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林朋奈 × 篠田優『循環』

2,000 JPY

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掲載作品:篠田優「松代・風景」、林朋奈「JOY !」 アートディレクション&デザイン:山田洋一 翻訳:高島友希乃 サイズ:210×125 mm ページ数:61頁 印刷:三永印刷株式会社 発行年:2023年 状態:フルカラー、ソフトカバー Title:JYUNKAN Works:SHINODA Yu | HAYASHI Tomona Art direction, Design:YAMADA Yo-ichi Translation:TAKASHIMA Yukino Size:210×125 mm Pages:61pp. Date:2023 Condition:New, 2023. Softcover ========================== [ Precautions before purchase ] If you do not see your country in the shipping cost column, please contact us before you purchase and we will check it for you. Also If you are purchasing more than one kind of book, please contact us in advance so we can suggest the correct shipping cost. [email protected] ==========================

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